Inside Aircraft Heavy Maintenance – Flying Azul Embraer + A330neo

I took a flight from one of the most spectacular airports; Santos Dumont in Rio de Janeiro to São Paulo Campinas with Azul Embraer 195. The captain explained about the special operation in and out of Santos Dumont, it required manual precision landing and full power short field takeoff. Watch how my flight departed the airport with just 1,320m long runway!

In Campinas Airport, I visited Azul Airlines maintenance and engineering facility. I was shown an Azul A330 on jacks without wheels and going through landing gear maintenance and changes. Mr Jorge, a manager at the facility showed me carbon fiber and composite materials, repairs of interiors and components such as nose, elevator, engine reverser, wiring, batteries and paint hangar. If you’re interested in aircraft engineering, this is the place for you!

In the evening, I flew out of Campinas for Lisbon on Azul A330neo with brand new interior. Watch how the pilot flies the A330neo from the camera in the cockpit.